วันจันทร์ที่ 29 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Cats With Gingivitis - Two Natural Ways to Resolve it

Cats with gingivitis seem to be so common now. And yet, cats can't suffer from it in the wild, as they would quickly die. So we need to look in this direction for the cure.


Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums and this can occur at any age in any breed. Not only is this a painful problem, it shows that the health of your cat is not good.


It also means that the teeth may becomes affected later. Perhaps loosen, and then fall out.

However, with the two following measures, you can prevent gingivitis in cats or restore balance if it has already occurred.

The first aspect any natural health professional will always try to address is to restore a healthy immune system. With this back in balance, everything slips back into natural order.

One of the main causes of cats with gingivitis is diet. Diet is critical to everyone's health, not just your cats. Human diet can be shoddy at the best of times, but at least there are some, pretty basic laws, which govern the manufacturing and marketing of human food.

This is absent in cat food. Anything can, and does, occur. Such as:

preservatives that are highly toxic, despite the claims on the packet high fat content, unusable in human food low grade meat by-products (rejects for human consumption, with questionable protein content) cheap filler such as melamine, sugar or crushed nutshells

Please don't think that the processed food recommended by your veterinarian is any better.

Quality raw meat and bones, on the other hand, provide a cat with complete and balanced nutrition. Crunching up on small raw bones keep the teeth clean, the gums healthy and their minds happy. Dry food doesn't come close to achieving this, despite the claims.

Cats on this diet rarely suffer from gingivitis.

In the interim, between changing over to a quality raw diet, the cat may still need some help with the gingivitis. The homeopathic medicine Mercurius can be used successfully in restoring healthy gums when the cat's symptoms include"

gums are red and swollen the mouth appears dirty there is excess salivation ulceration may or may not be present symptoms are worse at night

Cats With Gingivitis - Two Natural Ways to Resolve it

Do you want to learn more about natural good health, in particular diet and homeopathy? Download my free report 'Better Health for Cats' by clicking on the website link below. Naturally Healthy Cats - http://naturallyhealthycats.com Madeleine Innocent is a full time consultant homeopath and homeopathic coach.


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Persian Cats - Health Issues

Persian Cats are by far and away the most popular breed, but there are some very common health problems and a few special nutritional needs required for this magnificent cat.

cats and dogs

The breeding habits of some non reputable breeders have made several of these health problems more common in both the Ultra Persian and the Traditional Persian; however, it seems that these issues may be more prevalent with the Ultra breeds.


All health concerns and most problems will all start with the breeder. If you are very serious about getting this breed of cat, make absolutely sure you do as much background checking as you can on the breeder and get as many references as possible.

The Persian cat is perhaps the oldest breed of cat, dating back into the ancient days of Iran, when is what actually called Persia. This magnificent breed has a grace in the way they walk and majesty in their demeanor, but they are also quite lazy, which can lead to some health issues as such as obesity.

Because of their natural dense fur that can be up to 8 to 10 inches long in some cases, they are also slightly more prone to health issues.

But they are by no means unhealthy cats, but they do have some issues.

PDK: Polycystic Kidney Disease

The most common health issue in Persian Cats is referred to as PDK or polycystic kidney disease. This is an inherited disease and was first noticed in the late 1960's but there was not a lot of research on it until the 1990's.

This disease shows up between the ages of three years to ten years in Persians, and it will cause enlarged kidneys as well as kidney dysfunction. Cats that inherit this condition will be born with cysts and all of the problems develop when these cysts start to grow. As they grow and progressively enlarge, the kidney, because of this growth, is reduced in its ability to function properly.

The most serious of conditions will result in the failure of the kidneys and the death of your cat. The symptoms that your Persian has this condition will be a sudden lack of an appetite as well as an increased thirst and need to urinate.

There is currently no known treatment for this disease other than treatments similar to other forms of chronic kidney failure. Because it is only recently understood, there is still a lot of research to be done to devise effective treatments.

Tear Duct Overflow:

This condition can occur in any cat, but is more prevalent in Persians because of the flat features. These features may result in the failure of the tears to drain away properly. Compounding this issue is overproduction of tears which could be caused by infections, allergies, or some form of an irritant.

The natural form of a Persians face also makes drainage a problem due to wrinkling of the drainage ducts, abnormally small tear duct openings, and shallow tear lakes on the inner corners of their eyes. This is believed to be a chronic condition in Ultras because of breeding techniques.

The symptoms that you need to watch for will be a watery discharge in the eyes, tear staining below the eye, or ulcerations as well as obvious irritations to your pet on the skin below the eyes.

Effective treatments for tear duct overflow can include antibiotic ointments and it will be very important to keep the areas around the eyes clean to prevent infections. Trimming the hair beneath the eyes very carefully will also help the drainage. But be very careful.

There are some natural herbal ingredients such as Dandelion and German Chamomile that are natural eye cleaners and are very tonic in nature and quite soothing for your cat. In very serious cases, your cat may require surgery.

Chediak-Higashi Syndrome:

This condition is also one of the more common health concerns in Persians. It is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder that basically causes your pets hair to turn a smoky blue color. But what is especially dangerous about this condition is the development of nuclear cataracts that are associated with it. These infections can cause a prolonged bleeding in your cat.

Persians affected by this condition are also very prone to infections. There is no known treatment for this condition. Symptoms that you will have to watch for are muscle weakness, nerve problems in the legs, tremors, as well as numbness. In very severe cases there will be seizures, most likely followed by your cat passing, as it can be that serious.

Congenital Ankyloblepharon:

This condition is especially prevalent in Blue Persians. This is a situation where adhesion of the eyelids margin, or stick to each other. This is very common in both puppies and kittens, but very uncommon in adult cats. If this persists, it can result in swelling and infections as well as several serious eye conditions.

A warm, wet cotton ball will usually free the eyelids, but if not, immediate care may be needed.

Urinary Tract Stones:

All cats can have this condition, but it is much more prevalent in Persians. These are small stones that are found within the bladder, and in most cases they are passed with urine. If they puss up and are not passed, it becomes an emergency situation, as it blocks the urinary tract.

Symptoms will be abnormal urine patterns, as well as difficulty urinating or frequent urination. You will also need to watch for cloudy urine, or blood in the urine. These stones are made up primarily of magnesium, ammonium and phosphate.

A low magnesium diet will help to eliminate these stones in most cases.
Hip dysplasia and well as patellar luxation, a condition in which your cat's knee caps slides, are also known health conditions in Persian cats.


These are all health concerns that you need to be aware of when selecting a Persian, but with the correct breeder most can be averted. These cats will also need some special treatments for there gorgeous hair coatings.

You should always look for hair supplements that have all of the B vitamins, as well as zinc and fatty acids to bring out the brilliance of their coats.

The cats are perhaps the most gentle and docile of all the cat breeds. It is recommended to keep them indoors to keep their fur free of parasites as well. Overall, they make wonderful and very affectionate companions, despite some health concerns.

Persian Cats - Health Issues

I am an avid lover of pets and my wife and I have had several pets throughout our years. We are especially fond of dogs, and we have a 12 year old Dalmatian (our 3rd) and a "mutt" that we rescued when someone threw him away to die in a vacant field.

He found us, nearly starved to death, and weighed about 2 pounds.

After severe bouts of mange and severe dehydration, and over 1,000.00 in veterinarian bills, we saved the little guys life, and he is one of the best, if not the best, dogs we have ever had and today is a muscular, fit, and firm 70 pound best friend.

After finishing my MBA, which at middle age was not easy, I decided to keep the research work ethics that I acquired, and devote about two hours each night in understanding the health benefits of supplementation for both humans and pets and how they might strengthen our, as well as our pets, immune system in a pre-emptive approach to health rather than a reactionary approach.

Both of my daughters are avid cat lovers, and asked me to help them with health concerns and challenges with their cats.

I am not a veterinarian nor claim to be, just a lover of pets that loves to research and pass on some knowledge that might be helpful, or at least stimulating to the thought process.

Several of the articles that I have written can be found on my website;

Liquid Vitamins & Minerals for Humans & Pets


Savanna Cats

Savanna Cats are the result of breeding of an African Serval wild cat with a domestic cat. This produces a large, tall and slim, wild looking cat with a playful personality and dog-like loyalty.

cat's claw



Savannah Cats are one of the larger breeds of domestic cats. The markings of the coat tend to be that of an exotic looking spotted tabby. The face of Savannah cats have a tear-stain marking from the inner point of the eye downward. The tall, erect ears have ocelli, a central light band bordered by black, dark grey or brown. The tail is short with black rings and a black tip. The eyes may be green, brown, or gold and are slightly hooded. Early generations were known for a light coat and dark spots. Today the breed standard identifies four color variations:

Brown spotted tabby, shades of brown coat with dark spots Silver spotted tabby, silver coat with black or dark gray spots Black, black with black spots Black smoke, black tipped silver with black spots.

Savannah Cats are playful and social, interested in dogs and children. They possess a dog-like loyalty and will follow their owners around the house and can also be trained to walk with a leash. They frequently greet people with head-butts or an unexpected pounce. Savannah Cats are known for their ability to jump from a standing position as high as eight feet to the tops of refrigerators and high cabinets. They have no fear of water, in fact, they may play in it.


In 1986, Judee Frank crossbred an African Serval with a domestic cat producing the first Savannah. In 1989 Patrick Kelly purchased one of Franks kittens and started pursuing other cat breeders in an attempt to develop this new breed. Finally Kelly convinced Joyce Sroufe to join him in founding the Savannah Cats breed and in 1996, they wrote the original version of the breed standard.

Early generations of Savannah Cats weighed from 10 - 25 lbs, while some breeders report Savannahs weighing in at 30 lbs. More recent generations are usually between 8 - 17 lbs. It was relatively common in the early generations for these cats to chirp and hiss, like their wildcat fathers, and meow, like their domestic mothers. The wildcat hissing sounds like a very loud snake hiss. However you don't hear the chirping and wildcat hissing as often in recent generations.

Some breeders recommended a diet which includes raw feeding of 32% protein and no grains or by-products. Otherwise, care and grooming of Savannah Cats ought to be kept up as with any other housecat; good nutrition, regular play and veterinary visits.

Savanna Cats

For more information on the care and feeding of our favorite furry pets, visit: lovefatcats.com [http://lovefatcats.com/]



วันเสาร์ที่ 27 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How to Cure Bad Breath in Your Cat

Does your cat suffer from bad breath (also known as 'feline halitosis')? If so, you know how uncomfortable it can be when friends who visit are repelled by your cat's breath. Even more important than the social implications, however, is the fact that feline halitosis can be an indication that your cat may be suffering from some dental or digestive disorders.

Any changes in your cat's diet can create digestive problems for your cat, so this should be the first consideration. If you've modified your cat's diet, a change back to its original dietary regimen may resolve the problem.


If your cat's diet has not changed, the next step would be to check inside your cat's mouth. Bad breath is most often caused by the uncontrolled growth of bacteria in the mouth. This is true for humans as well as for our canine and feline companions. When we chew our food, bacteria in the mouth break down the proteins in our food, and this in turn causes sulfur and other chemicals to be released into the air through our breath. Ordinarily, it's the smell of the sulfur that is so offensive.

So where does this excessive bacteria come from? It is generally the direct result of poor oral hygiene, resulting in the growth of plaque and tartar on the teeth. This can be as much of a problem for cats as it is for humans.

When your cat's bad breath is rooted in its dental hygiene, look for those cat foods and special treats that contain enzymes whose purpose is to prevent the buildup of tartar on your cat's teeth. You can also have your cat's teeth cleaned professionally by your veterinarian, but this strategy provides only a short-term solution. To prevent the problem from recurring, you will need to make some modifications to its diet. Your vet may suggest other approaches as well, such as prescribing an antibacterial mouth spray to prevent the onset of gingivitis (gum disease).

A more proactive approach would be to periodically brush your cat's teeth. There are special toothpastes and brushes made for this purpose, including electric tooth brushes, which are the most effective in preventing the buildup of tartar. If possible, this would be a good habit to develop while your cat is still young.

The best time to clean your cat's teeth is shortly, but not immediately, after a meal. Wait for about half an hour or so after the meal so that your cat does not associate mealtime with having its teeth brushed. Such an association would create some anxiety around eating, and possibly cause it to not eat properly or to develop digestive problems.

If your cat's halitosis does not stem from either a change in diet or from a buildup of tartar and/or plaque on the teeth, then the problem may in fact be much more deeply rooted. There may be a more serious dental issue such as a tumor, an abscess, or other types of dental disease. Feline halitosis can also be a symptom of other non-dental diseases, such as kidney or liver disease, lung cancer, or feline leukemia. Your vet can help you make these determinations and provide you with the best course of action. Exhibiting bad breath is no more normal for a cat than it is for a human, so it's imperative to take appropriate action if your cat suffers from this problem.

How to Cure Bad Breath in Your Cat

For more information and articles on how to keep your cat happy and healthy, visit http://www.healthy-cat-supplies.com

Kat Bartone is a writer, musician, computer technology teacher, internet marketer, and blogging enthusiast. She lives in Massachusetts with her cat Zoe.


The Purrfect Pet - RagDoll Cats and Kittens

The RagDoll Cat breed came about from the offspring of a semi-feral white Persian female whom was injured when hit by a car and bred to a male Birman Cat. The controversy is that the "breed" relaxes completely when picked up or held. The resulting floppy "RagDoll" appearance gives the breed its name. Some believe that this trait was passed on from the injured female, whom may have suffered nerve damage, others disagree stating that it is not genetically possible. Little is known as to why these felines are unique in so many ways.

The RagDoll is similar in appearance to the Birman, except for the heavier body build and lack of tell tale white "gloves". Varieties include the Bicolor RagDoll, with a pale body, dark markings on the mask, ears, and tails (seal, chocolate, blue or lilac), and a white underside. Points refers to points of their features such as ears, nose, paws and tail. Colorpoints have points in the same colors and Mitted RagDolls are the same as Colorpoint but with white front paws. Colors include chocolate, seal with varying shades of brown, blue (which is shades of grey) and lilac which is more a rosy shade of beige. Some can be cream, blue/cream or flame (cream that is more reddish). The rare Mink RagDolls have their coloring at birth, whereas the others are usually born white


The cats fur is full and long, plush, but is not as long as many of the long haired breeds. They do not have an undercoat which makes for less shedding as well as easy maintenance and grooming. Their bodies are long and solid, although they go limp when picked up. They have medium legs, large round paws, and a long, medium tail. The head is a rounded wedge shape with a medium nose, fully developed cheeks, and small, round, mostly blue eyes, although green, green/blue and aqua are common in the mink RagDolls and the straight colored RagDolls can often have nonmatching eye colors. Ears are medium, rounded at the tips and tufted. These are large cats, with males often exceeding 20 plus pounds.

These Cats have an extremely docile temperament, slow to mature and don't reach full maturity until 3 to 4 years of age. Perhaps that is why they remain quite playful well beyond the kitten stages. They are "lovers", not fighters and very trusting of others that they may not recognize danger. Best suited to the indoors, the RagDoll has an extremely high tolerance to pain so that injuries can go unnoticed. These big fluffy cats are calm and like tranquility. They also like dogs, particularly large dogs. They get along well with other household pets and make wonderful pets for children. They are often described as the "puppy cat" in that they will follow one around much like a puppy. They are also very trainable.

RagDolls are big, sweet tempered, family oriented cats, making them the purrfect pet for many homes.

The Purrfect Pet - RagDoll Cats and Kittens

Cats "pawsitively" have enriched my life. Owning an Equestrian Center allows me to have more cats than what would be the norm for homes, as I claim some are "working barn cats", giving me the excuse to take a few more in and keeping the many that are "drop offs". However, as responsible pet owners we should strive to learn as much about the animals whom well being and lives are dependent on us. Please click on the links to my sites if you are looking for more information on the adorable RagDolls or seeking everyday general cat and kitten information such as care, training, health and behavioral problems and cat facts in general.


For Ragdoll Cat Lovers - Ragdoll Cat Personality

The ragdoll cat personality is often what attracts cat owners to the breed. On the outside the ragdoll is large, medium haired, beautifully coloured, blue eyed breed of cat. Inwardly, they exhibit strange personality traits that set them aside from many other breeds of cat. While there are many myths and generalizations surrounding the good nature of this exotic breed, more often than not the myths are founded in truths.

The ragdoll cat personality is one generalized as being a cautious mix of intelligence and a gentle, trusting nature. While many ragdoll cats can be attributed to these personality traits, there are many more who deviate from the norm. It would be too general to say that all ragdoll cats are intelligent, just as in any breed there is diversity, and there is obviously the force of nurture to take into consideration.


Certainly the standard ragdoll cat is a gentle, kindly creature, which would much rather spend time with you and those in your family, then go roaming out and about. Then again, ragdoll's are rarely given the opportunity to be roamers - they are frequently and rightly kept as indoor cats, being far too trusting and lacking the street smarts of other outdoor cat breeds.

They tend to be laid back and far too passive for the outside world, their lack of violent tendencies often mean they are unlikely to fight back, even if threatened, causing no end of scrapes and problems in the outside world.

The myths tell us the ragdoll was named as such due to their tendency to flop while being held in your arms, but they are not alone in this, many other cats if they trust you will go limp when you hold them. Perhaps then the ragdoll is simply more trusting and flops when they barely know you at all; this trusting nature is often seen as a very attractive quality in the ragdolls.

Ragdolls love people, they love other cats, they love other pets and stranger even, they appear to love water. A ragdoll will happily play in running water for hours, apparently fascinated by the wetness of it! They have even been known to attempt to join their owners in the bath or shower, setting them aside from most other cat breeds, traditionally known as water haters. For this reason, outside the ragdoll can easily end up drowning, they must be kept away from ponds, swimming pools and other large bodies of water, even if supervised.

Ragdoll cats will happily spend days curled up on you lap, purring, meowing to you, they are not known for their independence, unlike many other breeds, you will find the ragdoll to exhibit co-dependence, a good thing for some owners, a markedly annoying trait for others, but however you view being followed around all day, be prepared to step on a few tails several times a day, you might not even realize they are stood right behind you.

But despite all the hype regarding their 'laid back' nature, and the ability to adapt to living with almost any animal, remember, just like us, each cat is different, and will exhibit different traits, don't just assume that the ragdoll cats personality will be the 'typical' or standardized one, prepare for individual differences and you wont be disappointed.

For Ragdoll Cat Lovers - Ragdoll Cat Personality

David Jameson is a Ragdoll Cat enthusiast, helping people to learn how to live with Ragdoll Cats.

Find out more information For Ragdoll Cats Owners at http://MyRagdollCat.com.

Please, visit the site's Recommended Reading section special for people interested in Ragdoll Cats.


วันศุกร์ที่ 26 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Cat Breeds - Choosing The Best Breed

Which types of cats are right for you and your family? There is a large number of different cat breeds that one can choose from. Many of these breeds can easily adapt to home living, and make excellent pets for you and your children. So how do I find the best breed that is appropriate for me? Here is an excellent list of tips that you can use before making your final decision.

Quiet Or Noisy Cats


Some cat breeds can be very loud and noisy. You will want to consider this when choosing your pet cat. You and your family will need to determine if you can handle a vocal type of cat within your home, or would a quiet cat be more enjoyable. A number of cat owners don't usually have any issues with a more vocal cat, although if you live in an apartment, then you might have to reconsider choosing a loud cat. Some of the more loud or vocal types of cats include: the Korat, Siamese Cats, or the Burmese. If you are in the market for a quiet cat, then the following breeds may be more to your liking: Scottish Fold, Somali, or the American Curl.

Cuddly Or Playful

The next decision that you will want to make is to determine whether you want a cat that is more of an aloof breed or one that is more affectionate and cuddly. Some of the considerations to keep in mind are the amount of free time that you can spare. If you have a lot of available time then a cuddly cat who craves attention may be a great choice. Affectionate cuddly cats are also a great choice for those with children.

Friendliest Cat Breeds:

Maine Coon





Himalayan Persian

Less Sociable Breeds


Russian Shorthair

Norwegian Forest

If you are looking for a cat breed that will not get into constant mischief, and ones that can amuse themselves, then the following breeds may be a bad choice:





British Angora

These cats have a lot of energy and can be very inquisitive. These breeds are an excellent choice for someone who has a lot of free time and is home-bound. They can be a great source of entertainment; in fact the Rex can be enjoyable and silly to watch as he attempts to amuse those around him.

Other Important Features

There are also other important features that you want to look at in addition to the right temperament of the cat. An important feature to consider when choosing the right cat is whether you want a long haired or short haired breed. This is especially important to those owners who do not have a great deal of time to devote to a pet. These owners may want to opt for a short haired breed. The attraction of a fuzzy ball of fluff may look great, but grooming adult long haired cats can be very time consuming. A cat's coat of hair can tangle and matt up right down to its skin at an alarming rate if you do not provide proper grooming. If this should happen, your only choice is to have him completely shaved, which can be very traumatic. Your cat would need to be sedated, and this could pose some potential health risks.

Making The Final Choice

Having looked at the many different cat breeds and their unique features, you are now able to begin selecting your new cat. You should first ask yourself a few questions such as: should I get a baby kitten, or start with a feline that is somewhat older or even one that has been abandoned.

There are many new kittens available at various cat shows, and you might want to check out your local listings. There will more than likely be a number of cat exhibitors who are looking at selling some of their kitten litter. A great place to find an older feline would be at the humane society, or possibly the animal shelter in your town.

Cat Breeds - Choosing The Best Breed

Susan Richards is the creater of http://www.onlinecatcare.com You can find a wealth of information pertaining to a variety of cat related items. Read comprehensive articles on a number of cat care needs from cat health to behavior training, cat breeds and more.