It is difficult to identify if a cat is suffering from liver disease because the signs and symptoms are difficult to spot. Showing non-specific symptoms, some might show decrease in appetite, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, depression and jaundice. (Jaundice in cats can be seen by the yellow discoloration of the skin at the base of the ear, and the whites of the eyes.
While other cats pass off pasty looking stool and display inappropriate urination and defecation behavior, according to Dr. Richard Pitcairn, author of the "Complete Guide to the Natural Health for Dogs and Cats," Rodale Press. This happen because fatty liver disease causes the liver to be is weighed down by rapid fat accumulation and simply shut down.
In some cases, Dr. Richard mentions that cat owners who use the free feeding method, and has more than one cat must be more vigilant. As it's more difficult to note if your cat is eating regularly, fatty liver disease can develop rapidly in a cat's body if he stops feeding for a week or two. This would be a serious case and immediate medical care would be needed.
Immediate medication treatment is necessary for the recovery of liver disease. The treatment would depends on the cause and may include antibiotics, coagulation treatment for bleeding disorder, intravenous fluid therapy, appetite stimulants, anti-emetics and diet management.
When preparing a diet plan for a cat with liver disease, note that he would require a high-quality protein diet in moderate amount, with most of the cat's caloric intake coming from non-protein sources. If you are preparing your own food, it is recommended that the diet be based around eggs, cottage cheese, rice and liver. Your cat may also need multivitamin supplement.
Commercial restorative foods for felines suffering from with liver disease include Hill's Feline L/D formula. Royal Canin has several different formulas for hepatic disease, and your veterinarian can help you decide which is best for your cat depending on its current condition. Small, easily digestible and frequent meals are generally recommended. Many experts also recommend organic foods because they are not exposed to chemicals, artificial colors or preservatives.
You might also want to ask your veterinarian if you should add digestive enzymes and S-adenyl-methionine supplement to your cat's diet. Remember that in order to support your cat's liver function; you will have to plan a proper suitable diet that is fresh, organic, with low and quality protein and certainly low fat.
Cats With Liver Disease - The Symptoms and How To Prepare The Best Diet For Them
Moses Wright is the webmaster of Feline Cat Diet. More helpful information on Commercial Cat Food and Special Medical Cat Diet can be found on his website. You are welcome to reprint this article if the content and live link are keep intact.