Ragdoll Cats got their name from a perception that they go limp when picked up. They have long legs, a long body, broad chest, rounded triangular head, large blue eyes, long fur and long bushy tail.
Characteristics The name Ragdoll came about due to the common fallacy that these cats go entirely limp when held. And in essence these pets are viewed as ragdoll-like in that they are believed to be pain-resistant, which of course is false. These beautiful cats, with Siamese-like markings and long fur, may have coined the name Ragdoll since they're heftier than other housecats with their large frame. They also tend to be a few pounds heavier than the average house cat, often weighing somewhere between 13-21 lbs.
Ragdoll Cats come in six distinct colors and three patterns. The general colors include: light to medium grey, dark brown, soft orange-ish/tan, "dilutes" blue (resembles grey), lilac, and ivory/white. The three patterns are: Brown nose or face, ears, paws, and tail (known as tips), no white. Colored paws chin and belly, no white line on face. And two-tone - white paws, white belly, reverse 'V' on face, and sometimes white patches on back. Alternate versions include "tortie-point" and lynx.
Temperament It is typical for a Ragdoll to be non-defensive in nature, and thus ought to be kept indoors unless the owner intends on keeping an eye on their pet outdoors. They aren't often vocal and are easily inclined to forgive in the instance of being mistreated. Like most cats, when introduced and well acquainted with humans from birth, they desire human companionship and are very affectionate. When at play, Ragdoll Cats are very gentle. They have a tendency to be dog-like in the fact that they often follow their owners around seeking attention.
Brief History Ann Baker, a Persian cat breeder and the first to trademark the Ragdoll breed, selected a few Burmese-type cats (some with Siamese markings) to breed with one of her Persians. All Ragdoll cats today are descendants of that first litter. This explains why some of these pets are mostly white with a few tan markings, some are ivory with a brown face, ears and paws, and some may even be entirely brown or black. Baker took into account a cat's markings, features, and easygoing temperament when selecting for breeding.
Care and grooming of Ragdoll's ought to be kept up as with any other housecat; frequent combing of fur, good nutrition, regular play and veterinary visits.
Ragdoll Cats
For more information on the care and feeding of cats, visit: lovefatcats.com [http://lovefatcats.com]