Getting your own place after you have left home is a great feeling but sometimes people do not realize exactly how expensive it can be to live on their own. With this in mind it could be a good idea to see about getting some friends to share the burden and move in with you.
The thing to consider before actually doing this is whether or not your friends are as nice to live with as they are to hang about with.
This is why it is always a good idea to set out some guidelines and ground rules for everybody that is living in the house. Everybody has to be aware of what is permitted and what is not permitted in the house.
For example it is okay for somebody to live like a slob and leave things in a mess as long as it is only in their own room. Any part of the house that is shared by everybody must be cleaned up within a certain time frame.
The easiest way to sort this out would be to make a roster of everybody and put them all on cleaning duties on certain days. After all you would not like to visit the bathroom after somebody has left their mess in it now would you?
The only other time that you lived with somebody else was when you were at home so some changes will have to be made on both sides. It may not be acceptable to others in the house for you to play your music all night long as it may disturb the others in the house.
In the same way your friends may not like it if you just went into their rooms and borrowed something without asking their permission first. It may have been okay when you lived at home but hi is a different scenario. Sitting down and sorting out rules may not be everybody's idea of fun but it is essential to living together and staying friends.
You should always make a point of discussing any financial matters that arise with regards to the household. This is a shared property after all and everybody is responsible for the upkeep of the house. It's important that everyone is on the same page, knowing exactly what their obligations and responsibilities are to ensure that all financial bills and what not are met without fail each and every month of the year.
Trust is essential to living together and if you put one person in charge of paying the bills then you need to know that they will indeed pay them and not use the money for their own ends. This unfortunately happens in some instances, as crazy as the notion may seem.
Common Set of Rules When Living With Friends
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